If you make it to the Candidate Pool it means you’ve successfully met all of the selection requirements and you have the potential to train at Police College.

You’ll be considered for selection to upcoming Police College intakes, known as "wings". There are several wings every year depending on NZ Police's need for new recruits.

The Candidate Pool isn’t a waiting list. Candidates are always chosen according to the requirements of Police districts around New Zealand. When you get called up depends on your individual strengths and the recruitment requirements in your preferred district.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Three to four months before the start date of each wing, Police will call up a number of candidates from the Candidate Pool to start at Police College.
  • We try to place you in your preferred district, but you may also be given the choice to work in another district where recruits are needed more.
  • Remember to keep up your training and fitness while you’re in the Candidate Pool to prepare yourself for the physical challenges you’ll be given at Police College. Before you commence your 20 week training you will be asked to attend a Final PAT to ensure that you're still meeting the requirements.