Based in Auckland and Wellington, respond to a wide range of maritime events including search and rescue, public safety, criminal activity, and national security operations in partnership with other government agencies.
Based in Auckland and Wellington, respond to a wide range of maritime events including search and rescue, public safety, criminal activity, and national security operations in partnership with other government agencies.
You'll train in psychology and crisis intervention techniques and attend armed offender incidents. Most incidents are resolved peacefully, thanks to the skills of Police Negotiators.
AOS members are part-time and come from all branches of Police. You’re trained to “cordon, contain, and appeal” to armed offenders. Your tactics and training come to the fore.
Take on specialist work to suit your active approach to life. If you love the outdoors, you could contribute to search and rescue missions on land and water.
Apply specialist skills and tactics to escalating situations which require more than the capability or capacity of the Armed Offenders Squad. This includes terrorism incidents, hostages, high-risk surveillance, VIP security, and much more.
The primary role of a Police Dog Handler is to track and search for people. You may also be deployed alongside the Armed Offender Squad or search for firearms and drugs.
Whether at home or abroad, you'll provide protection for the Prime Minister, Governor General, other important New Zealanders and VIP guests to New Zealand.
The Air Support 'Eagle' Unit is New Zealand Police's "eye in the sky" in Auckland. You'll track fleeing vehicles and offenders and help with special operations from above.
Dive Squad members carry out regular Police duties alongside their dive training and call outs. You could be doing evidential searches, tricky underwater video work or location and retrieval of bodies. It's valuable and highly-skilled work.